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5-HTP for Lucid Dreaming

What is 5-HTP for lucid dreaming?  5-HTP is a naturally occurring amino acid and is one of the most commonly used di...

What is WBTB for Lucid Dreaming?

WBTB - what is it?  WBTB, or Wake Back To Bed, is a common and relatively simple technique for inducing lucid dreams...

2 Lucid Dreaming Herbs That Will Blow. Your. Mind.

One of the most effective methods for lucid dreaming is through the use of  lucid dreaming herbs. Scientific resear...

Why Would You Want To Have A Lucid Dream?

Have you ever asked why people even want to lucid dream? For some people, the concept of lucid dreaming immediately...

The Neurochemistry Behind Lucid Dreaming Supplements

Anyone who wants to have exceptional lucid dream experiences needs to know just a few basic principles behind the neu...

What is Dream Leaf?

A lot of people have been asking us, “So, what is Dream Leaf?” And surprisingly, we haven’t dedicated a blog article ...

Applications Of Lucid Dreaming For Athletes

“Lucid dreaming has considerable potential for promoting personal growth and self-development, enhancing self- confid...

5 Unconventional Techniques For Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming is one of the most unique and amazing experiences you can have. The only problem is that learning how ...

6 Famous People Inspired By Dreams

One of the most fascinating things about dreaming, which has a lot of psychology experts scratching their heads, is h...

What is Lucid Dreaming?

Some people wonder what is lucid dreaming? Well, lucid dreaming is simply the art of becoming aware that you’re dream...

Creativity in dreams

Dreams have been responsible for 2 Nobel prizes, the invention of several major drugs and innumerable works of musi...

Herbs for Astral Projection

 Astral Projection is a profound experience where a part of you seems to, or actually does (depending on your person...
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